
Multiscale Modeling: Infectious Diseases, Cancer and Treatments (2-14 December 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland)

We would like to draw your attention to the following research school:

Multiscale Modeling: Infectious Diseases, Cancer and Treatments

2-14 December 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland

This school is part of a series of events that has emerged from the collaboration of three bodies: the Mathematical Modeling Mini-Courses (3MC) program, Potchefstroom, South Africa, the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Studies (PIMS), Manitoba, Canada, and the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

The school will focus on equipping participants, specifically postgraduate students and early-stage researchers, with vital skills in mathematical modeling and in the essential mathematical tools required for advanced study and research. The program will also foster connections among scholars in Mathematical Biology from the UK, Canada, and African countries.

Limited funding is available to support the transportation and accommodation/living costs of participants from institutions in Africa.

Registration deadline: June 30th, 2024.

Registrations and applications for funding are open and can be completed online on the event website.

Topics and instructors:

  1. Multiscale Approaches — Mariya Ptashnyk (Heriot-Watt University, UK) & Chandrasekhar Venkataraman (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)
  2. Cancer — Mark Chaplain (University of St Andrews, UK) & Nikolaos Sfakianakis (University of St Andrews, UK)
  3. Epidemiology — Julien Arino (University of Manitoba, Canada), Frank Ball (University of Nottingham, UK) & Ruth Bowness (University of Bath, UK)
  4. Immunology and treatment — Rachel Bearon (King’s College London, UK) & Gibin Powathil (Swansea University, UK)
  5. Cell Migration — John MacKenzie (University of Strathclyde, UK) & Robert Insall (Beatson Institute & University College London, UK) & Fiona Macfarlane (University of St Andrews, UK)

More details will be added on the event website soon.

We hope to see you at the research school in December.

The Organizing Committee

Stephanie Portet, University of Manitoba

Nikolaos Sfakianakis, St Andrews University

Patrick Tchepmo Djomegni, North-West University

Chandrasekhar Venkataraman, University of Sussex