Annual Dues and Donations to SAMS
For the membership form, please visit the People/Members page.
The annual dues for the various membership categories are currently as follows:
The annual dues for the various membership categories are currently as follows:
- Full member R 508
- Honorary member No dues are levied
- Institutional member R 873
- Special member R 160
If possible, please pay by means of a direct deposit into our bank account, whose details are:
- ABSA Bank,
- 135 Musgrave Road Branch, Branch code 630326
- Account holder: S.A. Mathematical Society
- Account number 4052 9263 55
Any donations or endowments to SAMS may be paid into the same account.
When paying dues by means of an internet payment, please clearly mark your payment with your name and the year(s) for which you are paying. Also forward a proof of payment to the email address of the Financial manager given below.
Members resident abroad should pay directly into our bank account using the above details and the SWIFT Code: ABSAZAJJ.
SAMS Financial Manager
Dr Wen-Chi Kuo
School of Mathematics
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa
Email: SAMS Financial Manager