Other meetings

Meeting with Heads of Departments
On 9 February 2018, a meeting of all Heads of Departments of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, organized by council of the South African Mathematical Society, took place at the City Lodge, OR Tambo International Airport, in order to discuss the newly proposed Graduate Academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. This academy will be a virtual entity focused on improving the training of postgraduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics in South Africa. The primary purposes of the academy are the following:

  1. to share expertise and resources for the training of postgraduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics;
  2. to facilitate a collaborative effort to strengthen and improve postgraduate research at our universities;
  3. to foster partnerships with similar entities around the world so as to benefit South African postgraduate students.

Other meetings and conferences
Information regarding national and regional meetings of interest to the community of research mathematicians in South Africa (other than the annual congress), may be posted on the SAMS website. Please send relevant information to the webmaster by clicking on the icon to the right. Please see below for a list of upcoming meetings. For information regarding the Annual Congress, click here.

Operator Algebras and Quantum Dynamics, 12-14 July 2017
We are pleased to announce that a workshop devoted to the interface of Operator Algebras and Quantum Dynamics will be held at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, in the period 12-14 July 2017. Submissions regarding Operator Algebras, Noncommutative function spaces, and Quantum Groups, and their application to Quantum Dynamics are welcome. One of the objectives of the workshop is to encourage research discussions between participants, and as a result early mornings and early afternoons will be free. 
For further details please download the pdf file below:


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Discrete Mathematics with Applications Workshop, University of Zimbabwe, 6 – 10 July 2015

The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science at the University of Zimbabwe is organising an International Workshop on Discrete Mathematics with Applications, from 6-10 July 2015, to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the University of Zimbabwe, which is open to all scientists, academics and advanced graduate students and aims to provide a forum for interaction, sharing of ideas and initiating collaborations amongst the delegates. The workshop also aims at informing the scientific, academic and student community on the various applications of Discrete Mathematics to contemporary society. For further details please download the document below.

UZ-Discrete MathsWorkshop.pdf

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2015 NWU-PUK Mathematics Workshop and Spring School, September 2015

You are cordially invited to the third annual workshop in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and the Spring School on Stochastic Processes, both at the Potchefstroom campus of NWU. The Spring School will take place on 18-22 September and will focus on theoretical aspects of Stochastic Processes and its Applications, and will culminate in a focus day on Stochastic Processes during the workshop, planned for 23 September. The workshop will take place on 23-26 September and this year’s theme is Functional Analysis and its Applications. Click on the header to access the workshop website. You can find more information on the  Workshop and Spring School there, as well as in the attached second announcement. For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers.


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2015 CIMPA Research School – Algebraic Representation Theory, 19-31 July 2015

The African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)–Cape Town, courtesy of CIMPA, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (University of KwaZulu-Natal) is organizing a Research School on Algebraic Representation Theory that will be held from 19th – 31st July 2015 at Muizenberg.  The main goal of this workshop will be to address aspects of the interplay that exists and explore further the interactions between finite groups and infinite dimensional Lie algebras, connections between algebraic combinatorics, rings, quantum groups and knot theory. The school expects to have about 50 participants.  The deadline for application is 26th April 2015.  For further details please download the document below.


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SANUM : University of Pretoria Hatfield Campus, Pretoria 30 March – 1 April 2015

The University of Pretoria officially announces that SANUM will be hosted at our Hatfield Campus in Pretoria 30 March – 1 April 2015. Registration is now open. You can register at  http://www.up.ac.za/en/mathematics-and-applied-mathematics/article/2009681/registration-and-abstract-submission.   Early bird registration and abstract submission closes on 28 February 2015.  We also have funding available for students to attend – please encourage your student to register, submit abstracts and apply for funding before 28 February 2015.

20 Years of Democracy: Symposium on Mathematics in the New South Africa

The proposed workshop and symposium is an event to highlight the great work done by South African researchers in their respective fields over the last 20 years of democracy. The symposium will act as a spring board for researchers to present their work to industry to build collaborations for post graduate research and assist with funding.  The Symposium will take place on 12 – 13 September 2014 at the Science Stadium, West Campus, Wits University.  For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers. file attachment