[1] Buckland R and Neville, T: A Story of Rhodes: Rhodes University 1904 – 2004. Macmillan, Johannesburg, 2004.
[2] de Bruyn GFC: Wiskunde: Dosente en studente, Universiteit van Stellenbosch en voorgangers. Nasionale Handelsdrukkery, Kaapstad, 1991.
[3] Kotzé WJ: A brief history of QM at its 25th anniversary, Quaestiones Mathematicae 25(1), 2002, pp. iii–iv.
[4] le Roux G, et al: The South African Mathematics Olympiad: A case study of the medallists from 1966 to 1983. HSRC, Pretoria, 1985.
[5] Letho O: Mathematics without Borders, Springer, Berlin, 1998.
[6] Letters to the Editor, Notices of the AMS 28(2), 1981, 164.
[7] Malan AP: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Wiskunde Olimpiade. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Nasou, Kaapstad,1976.
[8] Notices of the South African Mathematical Society.
[9] Proceedings of the SAMS 3, Pretoria, 1973.
[10] Review of Mathematical Sciences Research at South African Higher Education Institutions. International Review Panel Report, 18.12.2008. Department of Science and Technology, February 2009.
[11] SAMF Vision Statement. Document. June 2005.
[12] SAMS-AMS-SAMSA Conference Programme, 25-28 June 1997, University of Pretoria.
[13] SAMS documents in SAMS Archives, UNISA Library:
(a) Ballot Paper, 22 February 1967
(b) Inventory of the Archives, compiled by HJ Froneman, October 1986
(c) SAMS Finance Committee: Minutes of the Meeting of August 26, 1994
(d) 1.1 Various Amendments 24.7.1957-20.5.1983
(e) 2.1.1 Minutes of the Foundation Meeting of SAMS, 24.7.1957
(f) 2.1.2 Minutes of Council meetings 28.10.1957–
(g) 2.1.3 Minutes of the Annual General Meetings, 27.10.1958–
(h) 2.2 and 2.3 Working copies of the agenda, etc. 31.3.1958–31.10.1983
(i) 3.1 Annual Reports (Annual Report of The South African Mathematical Association)
(j) 4.1 Congress Papers
(k) 5.3 Teaching of Mathematics as a school subject
(l) 5.3.1 Minutes of the Foundation Meeting of MASA, 28 June 1969
(m) 5.3.3 General correspondence 4.9.1959–
(n) 5.5 Circular to principals of High Schools
(o) 5.5 General correspondence 18.7.1956- May 1985
(p) Honorary Archivist: Report to Council, 4.5.1988
(q) 8.2.3 Chairman’s Report 1966
(r) 9.1.1 Publications by SAMS.
[14] SAMS documents not in SAMS Archives, UNISA Library:
(a) CH Brink, Documents
(b) General Correspondence
(c) General Files
(d) Minutes of Annual General Meetings
(e) Minutes of Council meetings
(f) Minutes of the meeting of the SAMS Finance Committee, Durban, August 26, 1994
(g) SAMS-IMO Correspondence
(h) SAMS Reciprocity Agreements, correspondence.