SAMS Subject Classification

SAMS Subject Classification

As accepted at the SAMS AGM of 2019.

1 Algebraic Geometry 2 Algebraic Topology
3 Analysis of PDEs 4 Category Theory
5 Classical Analysis and ODEs 6 Combinatorics
7 Commutative Algebra 8 Complex Variables
9 Differential Geometry 10 Dynamical Systems
11 Functional Analysis 12 General Mathematics
13 General and Point-free Topology 14 Geometric Topology
15 Group Theory 16 History, Overview and teaching of mathematics
17 Information Theory 18 K-Theory and Homology
19 Logic 20 Mathematical Physics
21 Metric Geometry 22 Number Theory
23 Numerical Analysis 24 Operator Algebras
25 Optimization and Control 26 Probability
27 Quantum Algebra 28 Representation Theory
29 Rings and Algebras 30 Spectral Theory
31 Statistics Theory 32 Symplectic Geometry
33 Topological Algebra 34 Order, Lattices, Ordered Algebraic Structures
35 Universal Algebra