SAMS Subject Classification
As accepted at the SAMS AGM of 2019.
1 | Algebraic Geometry | 2 | Algebraic Topology |
3 | Analysis of PDEs | 4 | Category Theory |
5 | Classical Analysis and ODEs | 6 | Combinatorics |
7 | Commutative Algebra | 8 | Complex Variables |
9 | Differential Geometry | 10 | Dynamical Systems |
11 | Functional Analysis | 12 | General Mathematics |
13 | General and Point-free Topology | 14 | Geometric Topology |
15 | Group Theory | 16 | History, Overview and teaching of mathematics |
17 | Information Theory | 18 | K-Theory and Homology |
19 | Logic | 20 | Mathematical Physics |
21 | Metric Geometry | 22 | Number Theory |
23 | Numerical Analysis | 24 | Operator Algebras |
25 | Optimization and Control | 26 | Probability |
27 | Quantum Algebra | 28 | Representation Theory |
29 | Rings and Algebras | 30 | Spectral Theory |
31 | Statistics Theory | 32 | Symplectic Geometry |
33 | Topological Algebra | 34 | Order, Lattices, Ordered Algebraic Structures |
35 | Universal Algebra | ||