Online course

NITheCS SATACS Online Course in Category Theory by Prof. Zurab Janelidze

When: Saturdays 11:00-13:00 SA time from 16 November 2024 to 25 January 2025 (except December 28)

Where: Zoom

Register to receive the zoom link:

Website of the course:

Master's courses Online course

NGA coursework, Semester 1 of 2023

The NGA-coursework project will present the following courses in Semester 1 of 2023:

  • General topology (Hons)  (12 weeks, starting in mid February)
  • Banach spaces and locally convex spaces (MSc) (6 weeks, starting in March)
  • Banach algebras and spectral theory (MSc) (6 weeks, starting in May)

Please see the website to register and for further information
Online course

South African Theory and Computational School: Mathematical Structures

The following (free) online course will run throughout the second semester of 2022:

South African Theory and Computational School: Mathematical Structures

It is presented by Zurab Janelidze and other members of the Mathematical Structures Research Programme at NITheCS. To enroll, please send an email asap to both of the following addresses: and

The course is aimed at postgraduate students and academics in theoretical and computational sciences. The course will introduce some of the basic “mathematical structures” (sets equipped with a structure a la Bourbaki) that play a fundamental role in mathematics as well as its applications in theoretical physics and computer science. See for more information.

Note that this course is different from the 6-week NGA Category Theory Course starting 1st of August, presented by Zurab Janelidze, for which one can register at the following link:  

Master's courses Online course

NGA-coursework master’s courses, Semester 2 of 2022.

The NGA-coursework project will present the following two master’s level courses in mathematics in Semester 2 of 2022, July-November.

    Category Theory
    Lecturer: Prof Zurab Janelidze, Stellenbosch University

    Sobolev spaces and PDEs
    Lecturer: Prof Jacek Banasiak, University of Pretoria

Dates and registration information available on the website:

Online course

3MC mini course: Introduction to Fluid Modeling and Shallow Water Equations

This mini course, by Prof Charlotte Perrin, will be presented online on 8-9 September 2022. The registration deadline is 1 July 2022.

Please see the attachment, and the website, for more information as well as the program and registration page.