Online events
- NITheCS SATACS Online Course in Category Theory by Prof. Zurab Janelidze
- NGA coursework, Semester 1 of 2023
- South African Theory and Computational School: Mathematical Structures
- African Mathematics Seminar
- NGA-coursework master’s courses, Semester 2 of 2022.
- 3MC mini course: Introduction to Fluid Modeling and Shallow Water Equations
Other, local or regional
National Graduate Academy Coursework
African Women in Mathematics Seminar
(Please scroll down on the landing page, for the registration link.)
(Please scroll down on the landing page, for the registration link.)
NITheCS Mini-School, Elementary Introduction to Category Theory, October 2021
2021 Seminar Series in Pointfree Topology, 13-15 July 3-5 pm
Finite Element Virtual Seminar Series
ISem24 C-* algebras and dynamics, 24th Internet Seminar
If you are an organizer of a seminar, conference, workshop or postgraduate course that you would like to see linked here, please send an e-mail to the SAMS web master
Other, international
Past events
- Operator Theory and Matrix Analysis Workshop, in honour of Gilbert Groenewald’s 65th birthday, 17-18 November, online. Registration deadline: 9 November.
- 64th Annual Congress, University of the Free State (virtual), 29 November-1 December 2021.
- 2020 SAMS Congress