
International Day of Mathematics 2025

Join us for an online celebration of the International Day of Mathematics (IDM). Engage with mathematicians, observe fun demonstrations, and challenge yourself with our IDM quizzes.  The programme is open to all high school learners, undergraduate students and anyone keen to explore the world of mathematics. There are prizes to be won.

Date: 8 March 2025, Saturday
Time: 9 am – 11 am
Place: ZOOM Webinar


Postdoctoral Fellowship in Functional Analysis at North-West University

Please take note of the following vacancy for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at North-West University. They are specifically looking for an applicant that is working in functional analysis, preferably with a specialization in multivariable operator theory. The closing date to apply is 7 February 2025. For more details, kindly see the official advertisement: PostdocAdvertPAA-StH2025


Advertisement for a postdoctoral position at North-West University

Please take note of the following vacancy for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at North-West University. The closing date to apply is 31 January 2025. For more details, please see the advertisement: Ouifki_PostdocAdvertPAA


Two Junior Lecturer positions in Applied Mathematics at Stellenbosch University

There are two Junior Lecturer positions available in the Applied Mathematics Division at Stellenbosch University. The closing date to apply is 31 January 2025. For more details, please see the official advertisement: NW080040125 Junior Lecturer Dept of Mathematical Sciences Web Copy


Vacancy: Part-time Executive Director at SAMF

Vacancy: Part-time Executive Director at SAMF

The South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) is seeking to appoint an Executive Director. Those interested should apply before the closing date of 1 February 2025. For more information, kindly follow the link below to the official advertisement: Vacancy part-time ED_2025


Associate Professor vacancy at the University of Pretoria

Please take note of the following vacancy for an Associate Professor in Mathematics at the University of Pretoria. The closing date to apply is 16 December 2024. For more details, kindly see the advertisement:
25774(#1713) Associate Professor – Maths

Women in Mathematics

WiM Connect Event

Dear Colleagues,

The Women in Mathematics Division (WiM) will be hosting a Research Connect Event as part of the SAMS Congress, on 5 December, 17:00-18:30

Attached, please find the invitation including the link to register. The aim of the event is to showcase and connect women mathematicians in research.

The WiM Division


3MC-CIMPA School: Second round of registration

3MC-CIMPA School: Second round of registration

Due to additional funding for local participants, we opened a second round of registration for the 3CIMPA School on “Mathematical and Statistical Modeling in Oncology” that will take place at North-West University, South Africa, on 3-14 February 2025. This concerns only those who reside in South Africa.

This CIMPA school is part of a series of events that has emerged from the collaboration of three bodies: the Mathematical Modeling Mini-Courses (3MC) program, Potchefstroom, South Africa, the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Studies (PIMS), Manitoba, Canada, and the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Registration will remain open till 8 December. To register please fill out the online registration form.

On behalf of the organizing committee

Sanne ter Horst & Patrick Djomegni


Nominations received for vacant SAMS Council positions

In preparation for this year’s AGM at the 67th annual SAMS Congress scheduled to take place at the University of Pretoria from 4 to 6 December 2024, the current SAMS Council requested nominations for three vacant positions. These included the portfolios of the Vice-President and Education, currently filled by the interim members Prof. Seithuti Moshokoa and Dr. Belinda Huntley, respectively, and the recently vacant Liason portfolio.

For more details on the responsibilities of the Council members and a description of these positions, kindly consult the SAMS website:

We are happy to report that we received the following nominations:

  • Dr. Amartya Goswami (A_Goswami_CV) was nominated for the position of Vice-President.
  • Dr. Rina Durandt (R_Durandt_CV) was nominated for the Education portfolio.

Sadly, we did not receive any nominations for the vacant Liason portfolio. We hope to address this during the AGM, where we will give SAMS members the opportunity to nominate appropriate candidates, and to give their views on the suitability of the nominations already received.

We look forward to your participation in this year’s AGM.

Women in Mathematics

SAMS WiM Division Research Connect

Dear Colleagues,

The SAMS WiM Division invites you to a Research Connect Event on 5 December, aimed at linking women mathematicians in research.

Attached please find a poster with more information. Attendance is limited to 40 participants. 

We hope to see you there!
The SAMS WiM Division